McDonald's Kiddie Crew Workshop 2023
This summer program offered by the fast-food giant will teach your kids the meaning of hard work, teamwork, discipline, taking responsibilities, friendship, and sharing. It is a five-day activity (2 hours per day) where they will be engaged to on-the-floor training, group activities, and art workshops.
To complete the McDonald's experience, I ordered a name tag at Shoppee with the logo of McDonalds. Later on I pin it on our refrigerator for a remembrance.
We got 2 bonus award: Kiddie Crew of the Batch and Excellent Effort Award ❤️
Being able to experience life skills like this is a core memory added to #ARhomeschool year. I really hope that there will be more workshop and activity that I can join and enjoy for the whole school year.
You can watch my recent vlog of the activities we had during the 4 days workshop. Watch it here: McDonald's Kiddie Crew Workshop Experience
More details about the McDonald's Kiddie Crew Workshop Here: McDonald's Kiddie Crew Workshop 2023
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