Our Epic Fail in Making a Homemade Playdoh

Isobelle has been into playdoh for a couple of days because she was watching a lot of YouTube content who uses playdoh for learning colors. We do have playdoh but the consistency becomes hard because of not properly storing it. Even so, the cost is also devastating as she let it dry sometimes. It would cost 30-40 per cup. We also tried to use a food grade dough before from Mom and Milly. We weren't able to consume it to the extent because of storage.

I search online of making homemade and not costly playdoh. Out of curiosity if it will really last or atleast we can make something for our homeschooling vlog. And here's the result.

I tend to use two techniques/recipe here. One is by using a starch and one is using flour. We also use food color and tempera paint for the coloring. We also have the option to use a shampoo and lotion for the consistency.

These are the main ingredients in making your DIY playdoh

We use the ma'am and mom's washable tempera paints for the coloring

I help her mix the ingredients

She was able to mix on her own, excited for the playdoh

Last step is to knead the playdoh so it will be smooth finish

We were not able to use the dough as much we would want to but the experience of experimenting to make one is surely an added memoir to our #MOMents. 

Have your tried creating a homemade dough? Or do you have tips on proper storage of the dough so it will last and the moisture will retain? Comment down your answers and I would love to hear it from you.

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