BPI Mobile App
I am indeed a BPI account saver. And since I've got a new phone, I installed the android app once again for me to enjoy the cashless shopping, transferring money to anyone and viewing my latest balance, credits or debits without the need of going to the bank or checking it through ATM. Here's a tour and tutorial on using the BPI Mobile App on Android. Banking without hassle is two thumbs up!
2. Open the app to start your activation. Select login.
3. Activate the app by logging in your account. This will work only if you have already enrolled your BPI account through expressonline banking. If you haven't sign up yet, sign up here: BPI Express Online
3. There are 5 menus to choose from on the app, View your Accounts, Transfer, Pay/Reload, Investment, More (personalization). The default view will always be the summary of your account: the account number and available balance.
When you have activated the menu "Transfer to Anyone" this will show up. You will just enter the account number and the amount. This will be transferred instantly into recipient's account.
B. PAY/RELOAD - Have you got a zero balance in your mobile and you got no cash available on hand? Just connect your mobile app on wifi and start reloading your phone, just be sure you have enough credits to reload your phone. You can also pay your dues using the app. Just enrolled it first and you can seamlessly pay your utility bills on time.
Minimum load is 50 for globe. Since I am a globe subscriber, the menu on my app only have globe load. Input the mobile number and select desired amount.
C. MORE -This is where personalization is usually done. You can also find the "Enable Transfer to Anyone" here. Look at the greyed text, I already activated mine that's why it is greyed already.
Enjoy seamless banking through your mobile phones. BPI app is also available on iOS, Java Phones and Blackberry. You can see available downloads here: BPI Mobile Banking. You can also opt to SMS-Based Banking if you want. Watch out for the tutorial on how to activate the "Transfer to Anyone" feature.
Are you also into online banking? Do you also enroll your account? Do you enjoy your mobile banking features?
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