SSS Payment Thru Moneygment App

I've been paying my SSS Contribution online since getting to office is a hassle for a working mom like me. I also pay my husband's contribution as well. SSS mandated the requirement of PRN so everything for now is settled via online. Just recently, they cut their ties with GCash and Paymaya. So I was looking for another alternative payment solution. They instructed that we can actually pay through the enhanced SSS mobile app but to no avail, even their service is not that reliable. Good thing I remember that I have the Moneygment App.

I started to search through my Online Freelancers group if they are still using it. Yes, they still are since we cannot pay our dues via GCash and Paymaya anymore. So I started to download the app again and generate my PRN as well since it is needed to input the PRN for easy payment. 

If you do not have the Moneygment App yet, you can download it via Google Playstore. Sign up and fill up the necessary data needed.

Once signed up, now all you need to do is atleast get verified for allowing your transfer and payments to push through. If you want to upgrade, there are 4 upgrade options. I am still at Level 1 for now since I didn't process my Level 2 verification yet. 

Now you have a profile, you can now cash in to your Moneygment Wallet. Cashing in have different options. I opt to bank deposit, but I do my deposit via online banking. 

They will send an email instruction on where you will deposit the wallet replenishment and how to update them with your deposit. There's no charge to cash in with their app. It takes 1-2 days before it reflects to your account though.

After 2 days, my wallet was replenished. I log in to my account and started paying my SSS contribution.

Select your desired biller. In our case we need to pay my SSS Contribution. You can already add the SSS information beforehand and also your beneficiary. So I also made my profile and add my husband profile as well. 

This is already pre filled but I just erased my data for you to see what it looks like when you select the biller. There are two options, by filling in your SSS number or by simply filling in your PRN. In my case, I opt for PRN since I already got my PRN at SSS website. 

After that, a confirmation email will be sent. You can also see the status of your payment via Moneygment app.

There is also a 2-3 days banking period for the contribution to reflect.

Atlast, there is a convenient way to pay SSS Contribution once again. But, just to warn you, there is a fee for the transaction. I paid my Voluntary contribution and was charged with Php25 while my OFW contribution for my husband has a charged of Php50. I am not sure if it is based on the amount of the contribution or the type of contribution. So next time, when you replenish your wallet, have an extra money for the charges.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to hit the comment section or send a DM through

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