Awards from Shee

I almost forgot about this award till I saw my blog folder and I still have this picture means I haven't blog about this. Sorry Shee, but as they say, "better late than never". First, thank you for this award. This simple awards makes me feel happy because even at a certain time, they appreciate my blog and its content even if sometimes I feel like it's just a hobby for me. Now let me share you my award.

Here are the rules:

1. Display the award certificate on your website/blog:

2. Announce your win with a post. Make sure to post a link back to me as a "thank you" for the nomination.
Shee, I always read your blog post ever since I stumbled upon your page. I like the fact that you are a personal blogger as well. For my readers who have not followed her yet, Shee is a blogger mom who indulge her blog with random post about food and lifestyle.

3. Present up to 15 awards to deserving bloggers:

This award is presented to the following bloggers who have inspired me since I came back to blogging. You don't necessarily need to respond back to this award, I just wanted you to know that I appreciate your time reading my post and commenting on each update. You don't know how happy I am reading your responses.

Genzel - She's my inspiration for blogging. I read her posts all the time and sometimes I backread them just to have some information and tips. She's one of the reason why I decided to start my blog again and I can't believe that I keep on posting till now and counting... 

Lhen - A sweet girl who's also been reading my posts lately. I like the fact that she spend time interacting with my readers. I also like her spirit, brave one and keeps moving on, never afraid to try something new.

Jhen - I wonder where you are right now because I haven't see you lately but I like your blog because of your outfits and random musings.

I could have given this award to Shayne and Rea but Shee already acknowledge them so I will just say that these two girls are also my inspirations, Shayne for her beauty tips and Rea for inspirational posts which I always look up to since I like reading personal blogs.

4. Drop them a comment to tip them off after you have linked them in the post

5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself: This is a bit tricky but I'll try hehe..

* My hubby and I first met online way back 2010 through facebook. So our relationship is really LDR from the start. Imagine our set up and adjustment just to make sure that our relationship will lasts. Proud to say that in almost four years we never have the guts to break up.
* I am still dreaming of becoming an Engineer someday. I dunno but ever since I really wanted to go back to school to study that course but financially I can't.

* I can't sleep without a blanket even if it's too hot. We'll I don't literally use the blanket if it's hot but I do need a blanket beside me.

* I don't know how to cook but from time to time I am trying to cook my favorites. They say that learning is not too late for beginners.

* I've always been a stubborn one. And I always wanted to live independently no matter what circumstances I have to face because whenever I am alone, I can do whatever I want without thinking others around me.

* I am such a cry baby and a sensitive one. I hate playing jokes around and I am pissed off immediately. 

* It's easier for me to trust people that's why I always ended up getting hurt at the end whenever I found out that they just betray me.

DONE! :) Thanks Shee for this award and I hope that you'll continue to inspire me and your readers as well. Keep it up! For my nominees, thanks for always reading my blog and leaving comments.

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